Today I accompanied the Linfield nurses as they were doing nursing assessments at the Catholic school in Souza. In pairs they set up a table and chairs in several of the school classrooms. The students desks and chairs had been moved outside as a place for waiting. The nursing students assessed persons one by one and made referrals as necessary. Many People gathered in the courtyard of the school and people continued to come all day.
I occupied myself some of the time by simply praying for whomever I observed. Once I gathered the children in the courtyard and played a yard game with them. My goodness. Children came out of the woodwork! Whenever fun things are happening all the children gather. I couldn't communicate the rules of the game so I tried to demonstrate. I failed to teach them the exact rules but what we did was very fun, running and laughing. Barbara and Joe and I had brought pencils for the WEH children which said, “Oui, Nous Pouvons” on them. Everywhere we go, people say, “Obama.”
Late in the day people became more anxious about whether there would be time enough. Then I occupied some children with finger games. Whatever silly thing I did with my fingers, they would copy. I was sitting at a student's desk, so then I began playing rhythm games on the desk. The children would repeat whatever I did. I asked them to sing, too, and then we really had fun. One teen was a very good drummer and beat out a wonderful riff. Then they asked me to sing. I couldn't think of anything so they suggested, “My bonnie lies over the ocean.” I forgot the words, but they remembered! We had a wonderful time. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of them all gathered around.
We were very hot. I dripped all day. I've learned to take a towel with me.
I haven't had a chance to listen to many of the students' stories. But one student saw a six month old child that didn't look over 2 months old. She couldn't hold her head up. And her mom is HIV positive. This baby has been brought to the hospital in Douala. I hope she makes it!
Once again, at the end of the day, the Linfield team and Barb and Joe stayed in the hotel in Souza. The Cameroonian staff, Ruth and I came back to Douala.
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