Friday, February 6, 2009

Tuesday, February 3

We got to Brussels without incident, made the transfer to our flight to Newark, where I now am. We have a five-hour layover before flying to Phoenix.

I just talked to Sam. His voice sounds so good! He'll be at the airport. I can't wait to see him.

It was so hard leaving Ruth. What a miracle it is to have such a friend. The years that we've been apart instantly vanished. All the trust and enjoyment of one another was still there. And Raphael is totally delightful. We had lots of good laughs together and “in” jokes developed quickly and were often alluded to for additional laughs. They hope to be able to come to Arizona in the spring, if they are able to get their visas renewed without a wrinkl


  1. I read all the post you have on here, u r doing great work, I enjoyed reading all the post you have here! :D

  2. Thank you so much, Alexis. I can't believe the trip is over. But I have my work cut out for me, helping WEH develop this life skills center.

  3. By now you are home with Sam, and I hope your journey remained free of illness. Thank you so much for sharing these experiences with us. I cannot help but wonder if the truck will ever get into Ruth's/WEH's hands. It will make getting to villages easier, both for people and supplies. Welcome home!
