Sunday, January 30, 2011


OMG!!  I’m not swearing. I don’t take the Lord’s name in vain. What I mean is: Oh my God, what a totally amazing day you have given me!

Church was the usual – love the music, but don’t understand most of the French. The electricity went off several times so it was quite hot. But after church Ruth and her sister and I were invited to join her women’s association bunch of friends at the house of one whose son got married yesterday. She wanted to share the leftovers and celebrate with her friends. It had been a small wedding, a legal thing, because the boy’s bride is taking a job up north teaching computer technology. They needed to be legally married to start this chapter of their lives. There will be a church wedding later.

I have been looking forward to going with Ruth to her women’s association meeting (which we will do tomorrow night). Today was a great introduction to the group. Here was a small living room/dining room area in a pleasant, modest home, packed with women – about 25 in all. For two hours they chattered and laughed and sang songs and danced and laughed some more. The songs were all in praise of God; one was a thanksgiving to God for being women of love and wisdom. That was really cool. It’s hard to convey the atmosphere. Imagine 25 women of all personalities, some quiet, some loud, some sassy, some hilarious. Imagine songs of praise that turn into dancing, a few women at a time in the small space. I couldn’t understand the chatter, but they included me non-verbally, including teaching me to whoop like they do. Oh my goodness, did we laugh and laugh. Oh yea, and we ate: fish sandwiches and chicken wings and peanuts and beer. A total scream. I drank every moment in, and they seemed to enjoy my presence, too, and my responses to being among them.

Finally, the son and his bride arrived, along with their wee son. Everyone banged on the hood of their car and sang some more and cheered and hollered. It was apparent that several have seen this boy grow up and were very happy for him. After one of them prayed for the couple I was asked to bless them. Wow, what an honor. I thanked God that we were created with the capacity of mutual love and support, and that they would honor and support one another all their days, and that they would raise their son to know God’s love and grace and power in his life.

I am still cheering in my heart for a magnificent afternoon. The bad news of the day is that I didn't have my camera with me!!

I’m also pleased that I now have email capability here in Ruth’s house, and I heard from Sam and both my boys. Sam got home safely and spent the night snugly at his cousin’s in Phoenix; Josh and Christy and Sarah talked with him on the phone; Seth has Ruth’s phone number and tells me Noah will call me when he arrives (that is, when he is born!) later in February. Seth also promised me up-to-date photos of both Tomomi and Noah.

Tomorrow I receive some African dresses I have had made, so I can wear one to the women’s association meeting tomorrow night.  That will be fun.

God bless all of you, wherever you are, and whatever you have done on this Sabbath day.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing day! I have a weekly meeting with a group of women I have grown to love and whose presence I cherish in my life. There is something sacred about a gathering of women, especially women of faith. It is sad that you didn't have your camera, but your words painted vivid pictures for me. Glad to hear of Sam's safe return, and I didn't know Seth and Tomomi were expecting - wonderful!
