Tuesday, March 8, 2011

International Women's Day

Wow! The International Women's Day parade here in Douala, Cameroon, was amazing. Fortunately, we got to sit in a covered place. For two and a half hours, groups of women paraded by, all dressed in dresses made of the pink or green theme fabric. Waves and waves of literally thousands of women. All the women employees of various companies, women scientific researchers, all the women police, the women in the garbage service, mosquito control women, women attorneys, members of various associations and political parties, and more and more and more. It was fascinating to see the thousands of different ways women rendered (or paid to have rendered) their fabirc. When I close my eyes I can still see the pink and green passing by. It was an amazing show of the number of women who work everyday here to make a living and to improve the society.  (And I'm very proud of the pink dress I made for me, and the green one for Doris, Ruth's sister. I'll remember this day for a long time!)  Humorously, one beautiful young woman who was carrying her group's banner wore a mini-mini skirt of the theme fabric with matching leggings that didn't quite reach as high as the skirt hem. Skimpy top. Spike heals. Blond wig. The crowd cheered, presumably at her unorthodox approach to the garb. Another interesting side event, as it were, was a gathering of albinos in the audience near us. Albinoism is quite common here. I don't know if this was a formal organization, informal, or even extended family. It was a great place for people watching and I had a great time.  Ruth says that many women are now out in the bars and other parties, leaving their husbands to fend for themselves for the entire day (and most of the night).  We're home safe and sound and comfy with Ruth's husband in their comfortabe, AIR-CONDITIONED home!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day. God's glory is visible every where!
